The 2008 village
film (20’) and video installation, 2010

The 2008 Village stages a series of dialogues between archetypal figures of globalization: French consumer, Amazonian land clearer, Chinese worker, etc. They challenge and accuse one another for the difficulties they are going through and find excuses for the damages they are causing. The globalization of exchanges and difficulties is thereby summarized in a tale on the scale of a village, where the collective tragedy is supplanted by the fantasies of individuals.

«The 2008 Village» has been selected by the following festivals:
Cinemambiente (Torino, Italy, May-June 2011)
Rencontres Cinéma-Nature (France, April 2011)
Cinemaplaneta (Mexico, March 2011)
FFAT (Munich, March 2011)
Travelling (Rennes, France, February 2011)

– Filmer le travail (Poitiers, France, January - February 2011)
Festival du Film Court Francophone
(Vaulx-en-Velin, France, January 2011)
Brest European Short Film Festival
(France, November 2010)
Amiens International Film Festival
(France, November 2010).

